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5 Signs It's Time to Treat Your Trauma

Updated: Feb 14

As the journey of life unfolds, we may encounter moments that scar our psyche, leaving behind the silent echoes of trauma. It's not always the visible wounds that cry out for attention; sometimes, it's the invisible ones that whisper for healing. Recognizing the signs that it's time to address your trauma is the first step towards reclaiming your peace. Here are five indicators that suggest the need for professional care:

1. Persistent Anxiety or Depression

 If you find the simple tasks of life are becoming mountains, if joy seems like a language you can no longer speak, it could be the heaviness of trauma pressing down on you. When these feelings become a barrier to living rather than fleeting visitors, they are telling you that it's time to look within and heal. These feelings are not just emotional responses; they can be deeply rooted in trauma, sapping your energy and leaving you exhausted.

2. Disturbing thoughts or memories

When memories become trespassers in your mind's sanctuary, disrupting your day with their sudden intrusions, they are clear indicators that your trauma is seeking attention. They can appear in the form of flashbacks or nightmares, intrusive thoughts, and a perceived sense of real threat.

These echoes can be a sign of PTSD, a reminder that what lies unresolved is seeking resolution.

3. Avoidance Tactics

If there are streets you can't walk down, names you can't hear, places that feel off-limits not by choice but by an invisible force, your world is shrinking in response to trauma. Steering clear of reminders of trauma may seem protective, but it can actually stifle your healing. It's a signal that avoidance has become a warden, and facing these fears with a professional can be the key to reclaiming your freedom.

4. Emotional numbness

 Feeling numb, detached, or as if you're watching life rather than living it can be indicative of deep-seated trauma. It's the soul's way of saying it has been too much, and it's time to thaw the frost that has settled over your emotions.

5. Physical symptoms

Trauma is not just a mental or emotional experience—it can manifest physically. Insomnia, unexplained aches, or a perpetual state of fatigue are your body's alarms. They signal that the trauma has woven itself into the physical fabric of your being and it's time for healing. Do not ignore these physical signs. On top of that, ignoring unresolved trauma builds up accumulated stress in the body which is a breeding ground for the outbreak of chronic autoimmune diseases.

Recognizing these signs is the first courageous step on your path to recovery. Seeking professional help is not a defeat; it's a powerful declaration of self-care and a testament to the human spirit's resilience. As a psycho-physiological therapist, I've seen many embrace this journey, finding their way back to a life filled with hope and healing.

Remember, acknowledging the need for help is a profound act of courage. It's the dawn of a new day, a Phoenix Awakening that promises strength, renewal, and the return to a life where you are the author of your story. If these signs speak to you, let them guide you towards the care you deserve.

You can also start the first step to healing with the book "The Phoenix Awakening: Rising-up from the ashes of trauma" Here.

Now that you know some of the key signs of unprocessed trauma, will you remain confined by the scars of yesterday, or will you rise from them, awakening the Phoenix within?


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